Pinhão crumb recipe
So that you can taste a different farofa recipe, at Specialfood we present you the preparation of the pine nuts farofa. Also called paçoca de pinhão, this is a very nutritious recipe that you can easily prepare at home. Check out the step below!
Ingredients for making Pinhão Farofa:
15 units of cooked and peeled pine nuts
1 unit of chopped onion
2 chopped garlic cloves
½ cup of manioc flour
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 unit of beaten egg
Black pepper
How to make Farofa de Pinhão:
To prepare this recipe for pine nuts, start by taking a pan with the oil over medium heat and browning the onion and garlic in it.
Add beaten egg, season with salt and pepper, and mix while cooking.
The next step of the pine nuts is to add the chopped pine nuts, cook lightly and add the flour. Rectify the flavor with salt and pepper and cook until the crumbs are to your liking. Serve right away and bon appetite!
If you liked the Pinhão Farofa recipe, we suggest you enter our Farofa Recipes category. You can also visit a list of the best Brazilian recipes. You may be interested to read about the chicken stir fry recipe blogpost/ majarisco norteno recipe/ oat bread recipe/ olluquito recipe/ peruvian lemon pie recipe/ peruvian sillao beef recipe.
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